Reject date move


A tool that enables the Owner of a Production Item to Reject a Date Move Request submitted by the Performer of the Production Item.

The Performer’s Viewpoint – What happens to the Production Item from the Performer’s viewpoint?

When the Owner of a Production Items rejects a Date Move submitted by the Performer of the Production Item, the Reject Date Move communication appears in the Performer’s Overall Inbox folder.

The Production Item remains in the Performer’s Overall Inbox > Production Items Assigned to Me folder.

The Date Move communication is removed from the Pending folder

The Tag Date of the Production Item is not changed. The Performer is expected to Complete the Production Item by the originally assigned Tag Date.

The Owner’s Viewpoint – What happens to the Production Item from the Owner`s viewpoint?

When the Owner of a Production Item rejects a Date Move submitted by the Performer of the Production Item, the Date Move request communication is removed from the Owner ‘s Overall Inbox folder.

The Production Item remains in the Owner ‘s TimeMaker Sent Items >
Pending folder and Production Items Assigned by Me folder.

Note: All Action Toolbar buttons can be accessed from the Action Menu by right-clicking the Production Item.

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