Production Items Assigned To Me Folder

The Production Items Assigned to Me Folder

contains all Production Items assigned to you by yourself or by other TimeMaker Users. The number of Production Items stored in the Production Items Assigned by Me folder is displayed next to the folder.
The Production Items Assigned to Me subfolders are created automatically when you are assigned a Production Items, and are removed automatically when you no longer have any Production Items assigned to you from that particular TimeMaker User.
A separate folder is created for each Owner assigning a task to you, using the Owner ‘s login name. Each folder also displays the number of Production Items assigned to you by the particular Owner .
In the example below, the TimeMaker User “Jim” has sent three Production Items to a particular user. When the first Production Items was sent from Jim to this particular user, a “Jim” folder was created automatically. The number of open Production Items stored in the “Jim” folder is displayed next to the folder. When all three items have been Completed and there are no longer any outstanding Production Items from “Jim” to this user, the “Jim” folder will be automatically removed.

The Production Items Assigned To Me folder has the following subfolders: