Progress Board

A typical limitation on management is the lack of a clear picture of the workload being handled by each company division, department or employee, and the ability to easily identify overdue targets and incomplete cycles of action.  TimeMaker solves these age old problems with its unique Progress Board feature.

The TimeMaker Progress Board represents a revolutionary concept in task management, enabling user-defined views of the status of any or all item(s) being worked on by any, some or all network users on one screen.  Presented as a chart of all currently planned, in-progress, completed and incomplete Action Items, the TimeMaker Progress Board provides the ability to quickly access company production and eliminates wasted time involved in tracking the progress of production.  With the Progress Board you can see it all in one glance.

The TimeMaker Progress Board is equipped with a powerful yet easy to use system of filters allowing the user to quickly choose from a variety of viewpoints.  Whether applied for one individual, specific users or for your entire company, the Progress Board filters create views consisting of your choices,  in-progress and planned Production Items, items completed on time or beyond their assigned target date, the Production Items within any specified date range, and much more.  For ease of use, the Progress Board filter system is designed with a powerful “Find” feature capable of locating specific words within the active filter.

For ease in identifying the status of production items, the TimeMaker Progress Board is color-coded.  Using a color system, the user can easily check the target date compliance for an individual, department or the entire company.

Communication system

Existing communication systems are ineffective work tools in that they fail to provide an effective mechanism to ensure receipt of the communication by the intended recipient and compliance with the communication’s directives.  Effective communication requires a follow-up mechanism to ensure timely completion of assigned targets without wasting an executive’s time and energy.

TimeMaker’s communication system differs from old fashioned emailing and other outdated communication systems by giving the originator of a communication the ability to control the communication and obtain the desired result for each communication he or she originates.  For example, when communicating by email, the originator has no way of knowing or ensuring that his or her requested task is being performed. The originator’s control of the assigned task is thus limited while his or her responsibility is not— the originator must still answer for incomplete tasks and missed deadlines.  With TimeMaker’s novel concept in tracking electronic communication, each communication sent is automatically followed through to it’s reported completion, freeing the originator’s attention from the task while ensuring timely production.

Another novel concept introduced by TimeMaker is the Multiple Viewpoints™ inbox, which provides a comprehensive view of all items and targeted completion dates for which the user is responsible.  The Multiple Viewpoints inbox provides user-defined views of some or all of the user’s open cycles.  These views can be set to include all open cycles, or any combination of emails, assigned or self generated production items, items from the user’s daily or weekly task list, scheduled meetings, items due on a certain day, past due targets, and more.  With a snapshot view of all outstanding production items, the TimeMaker software user can more easily identify, plan and schedule production.

The Multiple View inbox is equipped with sophisticated filters for each screen enabling the user to define his or her own desired view.

TimeMaker Philosophy

Statistically, businesses generally operate on an 80 – 20 law:  80% of business time is spent handling unpredicted events and emergencies with only 20% spent on actual planning.  TimeMaker successfully reverses the 80 – 20 law.   With TimeMaker you and your company can operate in a planned and coordinated manner more than 80% of the time, while reducing the need to address unplanned for emergencies to less than 20%.

Most executives know that when you control the communication in an organization, you control the organization. TimeMaker does exactly that – it establishes, maintains and polices the communication network of the organization by ensuring effective planning, correct distribution of work loads, and timely compliance with assigned targets utilizing an automatic mechanism for follow-up reporting.


Sub Owner User Rights

What is it?
The purpose of the Sub Owner rights is to allow a specific user to easily manipulate the items inside a plan. When we say manipulate we mean: add items, delete items, change the target date, assign Performers and create sub plans – very similar to the rights of an Owner, however, with the general TimeMaker limitation that:
Note: Any user can only activate his or his Junior`s tasks.